In true Chubby cheek photography style i am sprinting to the finish line of 2016 y’all!  with the launch of the HOLIDAY WONDER e-guide and the crazy successful private Facebook group that has resulted from the launch oft he guide i have been in full on Christmas panic celebration hahahaha!  I am behind blogged (but not too far behind so give me some here people) and I’ve already gotten sick at least once, i typically have one more round of chickens to round out the year but hears to hoping i can drink my beloved champagne on new years (since i have the worlds best clients and they give me bottles of bubbly).

anyhoo you might recognize these three little cuties from the cover of the Holiday wonder tree guide!  can you believe how much they have grown since last year?!?!?!?!?!?!  YALL!!!!!!!

alright so get ready I’m about to spruce this place up Christmas tree style 🙂

chubby cheek photography texas child photographer