As you can see and if you have followed this blog over the past year you know, i have joined a circle of incredible women and am forever grateful to be a part of this.  these women speak my language.  they FEEL every moment of their lives, the good, the bad, the frustrating and the so happy you can’t catch your breath ones.  AND THEY SHARE THEM.  these letters will move you through a range of emotions and be prepared to cry a little laugh a little and just plain ol feel grateful for your blessings.  As you will see our lives are so very different and so very awesome in our own ways, in fact we are located all over the world..but we all share one simple common thread, we love our baby girls with every ounce of us.  and after all i can’t imagine a better thing to share.


and don’t stop here please please continue on through our circle and head over to my amazing friend AMY GRACE’S blog her words will resonate with your soul, her images will touch your heart and you will see why i consider her an incredible mother and an amazing friend..CLICK HERE


dear the most incredibly amazing five year old on the planet!

Oh my sweet baby girl after 4 years of these birthday letters you know how much i detest writing them, hahaha!  As any good drama queen does i typically spend the majority of july 17 crying at the fact that when you wake up you will “be a whole year older”, and every year i swear i won’t do it next year, but well….it just is what it is.  I had held it together pretty well tonight but then you crawled out of bed and came downstairs and asked daddy and i if we would measure you…You even brought us down your tape measure that Santa left in your stocking.  Why you ask?  well you so matter of fact-ly said “it was because you need to see how much bigger you were when you woke’d up and turned five.”  ha makes perfect sense now doesn’t it?!  well i can gladly say that you were thrilled to have woken up 5 years old and a great big giant HALF AN INCH taller!!!!  😉  but even more than the half an inch excitement, i saw a glimpse…a slight glimpse of you at 16 when you are screaming excited to get a your own car…a glimpse of you at 18 when you get that acceptance letter to texas a&m…a glimpse of you as a mother when you run to me to tell me you are expecting your first baby….in that moment, in that excitement over half an inch YOU flashed before my eyes!

You asked for a camera for your birthday!  not that you haven’t confiscated the instax one i got for christmas because you have and you burn through film on that puppy like no one else i know…and lets not discuss how you can fill up my iPhone storage faster than i can blink with your very own versions of photoshoots and setups, hahaha.  the most amazing part though, the part that gives me the chills…is when i look back through the images you take.  you truly have a gift baby girl.  I’m not sure if its just some seriously creative bones or if somehow photography is in your soul.  Regardless, i know it amazes me.  It reminds me that YOU ARE WATCHING, you are learning from the things i do the everyday moments we share and the way i love you.  You are still a meat eater at heart, i guess we all know those whataburger #7 with cheese and no pickles i ate for breakfast while i was pregnant with you have something to do with that.  YOU HAVE FINALLY SPROUTED YOUR VERY OWN BABY FRECKLES!  WE weren’t expecting it but sure enough a few have popped up on each cheek!  you DID get something from me after all….However according to you your green eye is turning brown so you have one eye from me and one eye from daddy!  YOU.HAVE.SERIOUS.OPINIONS on fashion and hair!  mmm hmmm.  not much more to say on this but i now have to ask you before i buy you anything to make sure it fits your “STYLE”!

Despite the fact that you just barely turned five you will be starting kindergarten in a month!  I have begged and pleaded with daddy to let me keep you home with me one more year but he just laughs and shakes his head.  deep down inside i know he is right.  YOU.ARE.READY!  you have always been a little TOO independent a little too strong willed and a little too eager to venture off on your own and i know this adventure will be nothing short of amazing for you!  Now I’m not quite sure how the whole homework thing will go given your rebellious nature but somehow i have faith it will all fall into place and you will actually love it.  As your sister so “kindly” pointed out the other day that “mommy will be lonely next year when i have to go to target and the grocery store without y’all” i am trying to accept its happening.  Last year i simply avoided leaving the house on monday wednesday or friday when you were at preschool and she was at school so that i didnt have to go out alone.  there is something so lonely about not having someone’s hand to hold when you walk across the parking lot, or not having someone to cross off stuff on your grocery list.  BUt i have to take a page from YOUR book sweet baby and open my eyes and arms and accept this adventure i am about to embark on as well.  somehow i just know both of us will make it through just fine!

cheers to new journeys for the both of us but hugs to the fact that we get to come home and snuggle every night!  i love you baby girl happy happy 5th birthday


love- mommy