ETA: so without a computer whats a girl to do during naptimes?  clean my house…nah who is that fun for?…do some laundry…think again…why, scower daddy cheeks computer for pics to use for a fun little post…yep thats more like it!

my sweet sweet baby girls,

tonight as i sat here and procrastinated my mind wandered to my past, our present and your futures. there are so many moments in what we have already experienced in this short time as a family and even more that lie ahead, and they all make me smile. throughout my life i have learned some of lifes’s little lessons albeit some have been hard lessons they have all made me who i am today, which in turn has molded the way i teach you to move through each day.

so as i sat here procrastinating, which by the way is something you should never do especially in college, i decided to make a list….bc afterall there was a time when i was the self proclaimed “queen of lists”, just ask your dad he agreed. so here, my girls, is a short list of nuggets of love…from nerdy ol’ me, mom.

1. don’t cast the first stone (literally and figuratively).
nobody really likes a bully at the end of the day so dont be “that guy”. and remember, words when said with negativity only leave a bitter taste, be the bigger person and take a deep breath before you speak.

2. learn to love {you} the rest will follow.
life will constantly throw you curve balls, some you will hit out of the park and some will hit you right on that bony part of your elbow, but the point is if you love {you} you can handle them all.

3. be kind.
when it comes from the heart, kindness will always come right back at’cha. leave the meaners, bad karma, and ugliness to others.

4. eat something chocolate every monday morning.
yep it helps, mommy wouldn’t lie.

5. you are only as good as the company you keep.
you only really need 1-3 super-fabulous-same-clothes-size-or-shoe-size-wearing-good-at-fractions-ice-cream-sharing-tissue-holding-best-of-the-best girlfriends. so choose them wisely. they will be hard to find but once you find them you will know….and btw your sister will be one of them : ). God gave you eachother for a reason young ladies!

6. don’t look back.
when you make a tough decision, be confident that you made the right one and only look ahead. do not dwell on the past or allow yourself to have shoppers remorse.

7. boys…
this will be a whole ‘nother list in itself….in about 35 years….or never according to your daddy

8. confidence counts.
always look people in the eye, shake with a firm handshake, and wear some cute shoes. during all walks of life, all ages, and all important inerviews believing in yourself matters. and hey, mommy and daddy will always believe in you!

9. travel is for vacations and work not for real.
don’t bother trying to leave texas no matter where you go, even hawaii, you will hate it and you will want to come back. seriously i tried, just ask papa about how well that went.

10. your family is always here when you need us, and we will always love you.
nuff said…

well i think that about wraps up tonights little nuggets of love lesson….i love you my little angel faces! off to stop procrastinating.
