you know every time i blog a session of a repeat client i get all mushy gushy and i take a trip down memory lane…

here was the very first time we met RIGHT HERE in 2008 people!!!!!!

clearly mr s has grown and so have i (got ahead and laugh I’m giggling too) here was one of my all time fav sessions with him TWO YEARS AGO right  HERE

wait a second wait a second no THIS WAS MY FAV SESSION WITH HIM

apparently i never blogged his 7 year old session this year geez I’m lame but here was a part of it on fb …mr s and the giant painted balloon (again i crack my self here hahaha)

and here is a teeny tiny snippet of their all wrapped up minis session 2014…trying to be careful not to ruin Christmas cards here y’all…

all wrapped up mini sessions 2014 chubby cheek photography