today’s session was calm and crazy all at different times

it was sweet and stinky (heehee)

filled with moments where you swear you can hear the sound of your own heartbeat

and moments of pure chaos (including but not limited to, when the ozarka man beebopp’ed up to RING THE DARN DOORBELL)

but more than anything there was love in the air….

you know what im talking about, one of those times you can feel it enveloping the room, you could see it reflecting in every single person’s eyes, you could hear it in the sweet sigh mom unexpectedly let out as she sat and watched her new baby girl….but most of all you could sense it with every part of your being.  This home was filled with love in every way and baby girl l is one lucky little flower. 

today was what it was yall and i am thankful to have met every one of you!  thanks ms C you were an amazing assistant