so LAST MONTH was the second month of this new project a group of photographers have all begun together…a year of documenting the everyday details that remind us “kids were here” .  i have fallen head over heels in love with this project and the incredible ladies in the the group.  it has been such an eye opener for me, ya know, somedays…okay im not gonna lie MOST days, my house is a wreck, shoes here and there, toys EVERY-WHERE, as i am convinced we have more toys than toys r us, crumbs, dirty handprints, more toys and GLITTER…like a glitter trail throughout my house glitter in the lint trap of my dryer and as you will see even glitter outside our home, hahaha!  But this project has already shown me, in one short month, to SEE past the mess and see the beauty within.  it has taught me to appreciate that this beautiful mess is a true depiction of MY GIRLS, and our moments, our days filled with spilled watercolor paint, wet footprints after a rainstorm in the garage, a playroom THAT BREATHES of hours of barbies and little chefs…from an outsider looking in, its simply a peek into chaos or what a tornado hitting a toy store would look like ha, but to me…to US…ITS OUR MOMENTS echo’ed by laughter and giggles, and LOVE…its a true depiction of MY LIFE.  i will have plenty of days ahead to have a clean house but my days of living amongst this “beautiful mess” are numbered.

BE SURE TO HEAD OVER TO OUR BLOG so you can check out everyone else’s beautiful messes for the month… KIDS WERE HERE BLOG HERE

“look mommy we have sister sandcastles”


its hot in texas

what’s for dinner?

sticky fingers

runaway snow white

keeping with my footprints shot from last month 😉

mermaids, they do exist hahaha

after we drop off her sister we hang out in the car until its time for me to drop her off…she always leaves me little surprises